- December 21, 2010
- December 18, 2010
- Mab a'n Rhodedd: One of the earliest Christmas poems, written by Madog ap Gwallter. Also for Christmas, check out "The Rod of Moses" from the Book of Taliesin; it tells the story of the Magi
- March 31, 2010
- January 24, 2010
- January 23, 2010
- January 14, 2010
- January 11, 2010
- December 11, 2009
- November 11, 2009
- Actually, nothing new that's ready to upload, just letting folks know I'm still alive and working on the site. It's been a rough summer/autumn, so I haven't been able to devote time to the site. Sorry about that, and hopefully I'll have some new material soon.
- May 19, 2009
- April 6, 2009
- April 2, 2009
- March 31, 2009
- Banshenchus: "The Lore of Women", a hard-to-find translation courtesy of Cat.
- The Life of St Melangell: an obscure vita sancta of a sixth century Welsh virgin who liked rabbits.
- January 8, 2009
- December 28, 2008
- December 20, 2008
- December 20, 2008
- The Giants of Wales: a late 16th/early 17th century text detailing the living places of various giants; some anecdotes about King Arthur are included.
- December 18, 2008
I'm finally done the early poems from the Red Book of Hergest!
- December 11, 2008
- December 5, 2008
- December 4, 2008
- November 17, 2008
A fruitful trip to Bryn Mawr College has yielded the following:
- September 1, 2008
These are from the Book of Armagh:
- August 31, 2008
- August 13, 2008
- July 28, 2008
- July 3, 2008
- April 1, 2008 (but not April Fools')
- March 10, 2008
- January 24, 2008
- January 15, 2008
- Josephus' Commentary: Josephus, the Jewish historian, made several mentions of the Celts (Celts, Gauls, Galatians), both their rebellions against the Romans, and their presence as soldiers for the Herodian dynasty.
- January 3, 2008
- December 6, 2007
I haven't updated anything in a while, in part due to an attack of bursitis; however, I've been able to start working on the Brut y Tywysogion again, and hopefully that'll be finished before January.
- September 19, 2007
- Deipnosophists: Athenaeus' survey of knowledge features a number of comments on the Celts, most of them negative. That's the Greeks for you.
- September 6, 2007
- September 5, 2007
- The Scholar's Primer: One of the texts dealing with Ogham, it is also a medieval grammar, and pseudohistory of the Gaelic languages. Next will hopefully be a new edition of Lebor Ogaim, with the ogam codes included.
- August 25, 2007
- July 28, 2007
- April 21, 2007
April 15, 2007
- January 31, 2007
- January 21, 2007
I have finally finished Brut Tysilio, a 15th century paraphrase of Geoffrey's HRB.
- November 29, 2006
- November 23, 2006
- November 14, 2006
Yep, back from the wedding and honeymoon, and I have lots of updating to do. For starters:
- Lucian's intro to Herakles which contains the famous comparison of Herakles and Ogmios.
- September 22, 2006
- August 14, 2006
- August 10, 2006
- August 3, 2006
- May 30, 2006
Project Gutenberg (how I love Project Gutenberg!) has published Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick, an 1880 translation of the Tripart Life, Jocelin's Vita, the and Confessions and Letter to Coroticus by Patrick. This is great, because I haven't seen the Tripart translated yet (at least not on the web), nor has Jocelin's Vita been on the web before. So I've added the appropriate links under the Celtic Christian page.
May 30, 2006
Things have been quiet--I've been very, very busy, unfortunately: looking for a new job, planning my wedding, dealing with some personal issues. I do have a lot of stuff to add to the site, and I've also added some new texts on late/post-Roman Britain and Gaul, so check out the (slightly rearranged by date) Classical Lit page.
Some day in the future, I'll be able to post things like the Brut Tysillio, The Physicians of Myddfai, and more Irish poetry. Unfortunately, today isn't that day. Hopefully over the summer.
In the meantime, CELT has published The Book of Leinster and the Book of O'Hara, so check those out when you have time.
March 31, 2006
- I've added incantations and loricae to the Irish section:
- As well as listing new stuff on the Celtic Christian page, namely Irish and Welsh Biblical apocrypha
- And a new section on the Irish page listing adaptations of classical and medieval works in other languages.
March 26, 2006
- A few things to round out the Red Book of Hergest: Hen Draethawd ar Hwsmonaeth, and Proffwydolyaeth Sibli doeth (already available in an English translation here).
- Coming soon: The Bardic Grammar of Einion Offeriad. I just found out where I can get a copy of this, and will hopefully have it scanned sometime this week. After that, the only items in the Red Book of Hergest that I don't have access to are the short pieces and proverbs. Otherwise, I have loads and loads of photocopied diplomatic editions of peices from the book, but they aren't always easy to scan and upload because of the peculiar orthography of Middle Welsh. (w's that look like 6's, etc.). What I don't always have, though, are translations. And that can be a real pain.
March 9, 2006
Ever look for your hat and realize it's on your head? So that's what I went through last night. I found out that despite the first three volumes which didn't really interest me, v.4 of S. Baring-Gould's Lives of the British Saints contains a number of Latin and Welsh texts of interest. So I feel like a bit of a fool, since I had passed on the books years ago as irrelevant to what I needed.
Anyway, I'm currently working to bring some of those texts online. What I currently have is Buchedd Collen and The Life of St. Deiniol. More's coming, too.
March 7, 2006
- Added a bunch of Old Welsh texts (and slightly rearranged the Welsh page):
- Added a few links and one text to the Latin page: Nennius' Alphabet
- I'm adding more links to the link page.
February 28, 2006
- Added Bown of Hamptwn in English; will hopefully edit the Welsh text soon.
- Added the History of Gruffydd ap Cynan. I'll hopefully add the Welsh soon, but that's going to take longer to edit, given that the text uses that "w" that looks like a 6.
- Added a link to Bede on the Latin page.
February 22, 2006
- New page on pre-Christian Celtic texts, mostly continental bronze tablets.
- I split the Latin texts page so that now there is an index of strictly Latin, and a whole index of Celtic Christian writings.
- Charlemagne and Hu Gadarn in Welsh, helping to fill out the Red Book of Hergest
February 16, 2006
- I added a page of maps that I made concerning Celtic territories in the late Iron Age. There will be a lot of updates to that page, so check it out ever so often.
- I was busy photocopying a large chunk of the Myvyrian Archaiology, and am now working the Poetry of the Red Book of Hergest and The Hengwrt Manuscripts again. So more texts are coming, but not for another couple of weeks, since I'm kinda working two jobs right now on top of all this.
- I'm also working on a translation of the Welsh genealogies; hopefully I'll finally finish the Harleian 3859, which has been sitting on my hard drive for a couple of years now.
February 2, 2006
Happy Imbolc, everyone!
Some new texts, all related to the Red Book of Hergest:
- The Expedition of Charlemagne to Jerusalem and Constantinople, and his adventures with Hu Gadarn
- The Seven Sages of Rome
- Math fab Mathonwy (Welsh)
- Breudwyt Ronabwy (Modern Welsh)
January 30, 2006
Well, there's some new entries in the JCE, and some new texts in the CLC, specifically new Irish poems, which you'll see over at the Irish texts page.
Also, I've added two new sections: the Recommended page, where I have links to Amazon of books I recommend people read (and yeah, I get a kickback from Amazon, which I'm going to spend on buying more books--what a shock); and the CafePress shop, with some stuff I've designed (and by design I mean I drew stuff by hand and/or edited it in Photoshop). You'll see what I mean.
December 29, 2005
New Texts:
- The Battle of Airtech
- Why Mongan was Deprived of Issue
- The Adventures of Leithin
- The Song of Créde, Daughter of Guaire
December 27, 2005
Finally something new! I've just completed and uploaded a new text, the hard-to-find First Battle of Magh Turedh, translated by J. Frazer. I have some other texts I'm preparing to get on the site, so hopefully those will soon find their way here soon.
These are the proposed new texts:
- The Physicians of Myddfai (W)
- The Meanings of Names (I)
- The History of Charlemagne (W)
- The Welsh texts of the poems from the RBH
- A section on Iolo Morgannwg, with some of his forgeries/"improvements".
Anyway, this will all be a while, but luckily, I found a good OCR program (or, it's more like I realized I've had it for many years and never even knew it--boy, I feel stupid), which means the older texts will be easier to convert--less typing over IJg1y inistalces (er, ugly mistakes).
October 21, 2005
Well, I can log into the server now, so I have some new stuff to upload:
- A Monk of Ruys' Life of Gildas
- Selections from Walter Map's Courtier's Trifles.
July 25, 2005
After lightning struck my house on the 2nd, I wasn't sure I'd be back anytime soon. However, the computer is up and running (and with more memory), though we haven't gotten the internet issue fixed, so I can only post while on break at work. Anyway, I also recieved news today of a new MA in Celtic Studies at the University of Wales, Lampeter. Also, I've been able to update Den's comic Donut Box, which will soon be moving off of Yahoo and onto its own server. :)
June 10, 2005
I was on vacation, but I'm back. Updates in the Celtc News Update, and some new texts will be forthcoming. I'm also in the middle of a slight redesign to the site, including finding a good Unicode font. I'll let you know when I've decided on one.
March 29, 2005
Well, as you can see, I'm in the process of redesigning the site to make it more navagable.
January 4, 2005
I've added a whole bunch of classical texts.
December 14, 2004
I've been busy with school, so I haven't been able to update things for a while. However, I did add one new Welsh text, namely The invocation of Gwyn ap Nudd from a Latin manuscript.
October 22, 2004
- After being knocked off the server for a while, I'm back on and adding updates.
- Added "The Deception of Huan"
- Lots of updates to the encyclopedia.
August 17, 2004
- I've started working on editing the Welsh version of The Mabinogi; don't know when I'll be done, though.
- Also started editing "The Boromean Tribute"; again, not sure when I'll get done. Hopefully tonight.
August 16, 2004
- Uploaded 1st and 2nd anecdotes about St. Moling
- Uploaded two new Irish myth texts dealing with the Second Battle of Magh Turedh: "Cairpre's Satire on Bres" and "The Four Jewels of the Tuatha De Danann".
- Re-edited The Ode of the Months
August 11, 2004
- Added a "favicon", which you should be able to see in the web address bar.
August 10, 2004
- Added some entries to the encyclopedia, mainly Stukeley, Aubrey, and Toland, early antiquarians.
July 14, 2004
- Uploaded The Life of Gildas
- Fixed broken links.
June 30, 2004
- Uploaded The Affliction of the Ulstermen
- Uploaded more Irish manuscript indices.
- Fixed a few more formatting errors.
June 29, 2004
- Uploaded the Bardic Triads of Peniarth 20.
- Fixed some formatting errors.
- Uploaded The Expulsion of the Dessi version 2.
- Uploaded a new Mongan tale.
June 28, 2004
- Uploaded Arthur and Kaledvwlch
- Uploaded the Lorica of Gildas, the Penitential of Gildas, and found link for the lost letters.
June 20, 2004
- Uploaded Mostyn 117 genealogies.
June 4, 2004
- Uploaded the Yellow Book of Lecan index.
June 3, 2004
- Edited Crith Gabhlac
June 2, 2004
- Uploaded: The Testament of Cathair
- " : two works associated with St. Patrick
- " : another Columbcille poem
- " : The Lament of Grainne
- " : The Lament of Oisin
- " : The Lament of Lidan
- " : The Rights of the O'Neills
June 1, 2004
- Uploaded The Book of Rights
May 17, 2004
- Uploaded the Jesus 20 genealogies.
May 14, 2004
- Uploaded The Book of Leinster table of contents with links to translated works.
May 13, 2004
- Uploaded Diarmuid and Grainne.
- Uploaded ecclesiastical poetry: "Brigit's Banquet", "The Vision of St. Ita," "The King and the Monk" and "St. Patrick's Purgatory."
May 12, 2004
- Uploaded The Pursuit of Gruaidh.
- Uploaded The Horn of Bran to the Welsh section.
May 4, 2004
- Re-edited the English gwarchanau of Llyfr Aneirin
May 3, 2004
- Uploaded The Life of St Oudoceus
- Uploaded The Courtship of Ferb, versions one and two
- Uploaded the Ogham tract from the Book of Ballymote.
April 29, 2004
- Re-edited the first part of Lebor Gabala.
April 28, 2004
- Finished the Welsh and translation for the end of Llyfr Aneirin
April 27, 2004
- Finished the Welsh portions of Llyfr Aneirin.
April 21-25, 2004
- Completed the Welsh portions of Llyfr Du Caerfyrdddin.
April 21, 2004
- Uploaded The Life of St. Cellach
April 19, 2004
- Uploaded numerous saints' lives: Tatheus, Wenefred, Cadog, Molasius, Kieran, Dubricius, Teilo, and Gwynllyw
April 14, 2004
- Uploaded summaries of Irish texts I can't find translations for (mostly from the Historical cycle)
- Uploaded the deaths of the Ulster heroes Fergus mac Roigh, Celtchar, Loegaire, etc.
- Uploaded The Tale of Tuan mac Carill.
- Uploaded a Mongan tale.
April 4, 2004
- Uploaded poetry by Columbcille
April 2, 2004
- Uploaded The Seven Sages of Rome in Welsh