The Celtic Literature Collective

Quatrains in the Codex Boernerianus Msc. Dresd. A. 145b

Téich doróim
mór saido · becc · torbai ·
INrí chondaigi hifoss ·
manimbera latt nífogbái ·

Mór báis mor baile
mór coll ceille mor mire
olais airchenn teicht do écaib ·
beith fo étoil · maíc · maire ·


To go to Rome, much labour, little profit: the King whom though seekest here, unless thou bring him with thee, thou findest him not.

Much folly, much frenzy, much loss of sense, much madness (it is), since going to death is certain, to be under the displeasure of Mary's Son.

Supposedly these refer to two incidents in the life of St. Brigit; Stokes and Strachan point to Lismore Lives, p. 335, and Felire Oenguso, May 3.

Stokes, Whitley, & Strachan, John. Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus: a Collection of Old-Irish Glosses Scholia Prose and Verse, vol. II: Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia. Cambridge: University Press, 1903. p. 296