AKA Mary Jones

Raven at the Tower of London

Hi. This is my webpage. I'm not very good at introductions, so let me just tell you what I'm working on. First, I'm in the process of collecting as many medieval Celtic texts as are available, or at least providing links to them on other sites. The second project is the Celtic Encyclopedia, which will hopefully become a decent internet resource for people researching the subject matter. There are other projects, of course, and you can find links to them on the right.

To view some pages properly, you need to download two fonts: the comprehensive unicode font Code2000 and Andron Scriptor W1, which will display the medieval characters found in some of the manuscripts I've (attempted to) reproduce here. On computers using Vista, you may need 7-Zip to unzip the Code2000 file, as it's about 7MB, which the built-in zip program won't handle. Hooray for Windows 7.

To see what's new, check out the New Stuff page.

RSS feed for Celtic News Update
A quick thanks to Gary and Ruth at the Celtic Myth Podshow for promoting the site!

07/25/06: Earn an MA in Celtic studies online through the University of Wales.

WWW www.maryjones.us

Help Save Tara, Seat of Kings!

Last updated December 21, 2010

© Mary Jones