Of course, the obligatory links:
Virtual Libraries | Digital Manuscripts
Resources | Language | Religion | Comics
Donut Box: Dennis Lingg's comic strip. (OK, in full disclosure, he's my husband and I'm the webmaster).
Virtual Libraries:
- Celtic
- The Camelot Project: An unbelieveable resource for Middle English Arthurian texts.
- Carmina Gadelica: This contains the first two volume of the Carmina Gadelica, a landmark collection of prayer-spells from Scotland, many of which are a barely-Christianized version of earlier beliefs.
- CELT: The Corpus of Electronic Texts: Where you can find all sorts of Irish texts--annals, epics, and so on. Some are translated, others are not.
- The Celtic Christianity e-Library: containing several texts, such as the imramma and saints' lives.
- Celtic Twilight: Here you can find Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain, Gildas' De Excido, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in Middle English.
- Cornish Language Texts: The most complete collection of classical Cornish texts on the web.
- Corpus of Gaulish Inscriptions
- Corpus of Ogham Inscriptions
- Corpus of Old Welsh Texts
- Dan Direach: Translations of medieval Irish poetry.
- The Donegal Fairy Tales: Jeremiah Curtain's classic of Irish fairy tales.
- Historical Corpus of the Welsh Language 1500-1850: at Cambridge University.
- The Manx Notebook: A great collection of full texts on Manx folklore.
- Nemeton: A wonderful, growing collection of medieval Welsh literature. As a bonus, it uses a self-made font that imitates J.G. Evans' typeface for the diplomatic Hergest texts.
- Ogmios Press: a collection of reprints and facsimilies of early texts, such as the Book of Aneurin, saints' lives, and early Scottish poetry.
- Oisín i dTír na nÓg: A cute retelling of Oisin in the Land of Youth with pictures by children, in Irish, English, and French.
- Roman Inscriptions in Britain: a fantastic site, utilizing the out-of-print book of the same name. An important resource.
- Sengoídelc: Dennis King's collection of Old and Middle Irish quotations--a very interesting site.
- Tech Sceptra: Erik Stohellou's largely French site, with several Irish texts translated into English with notes by both the original translator and Stohellou.
- Thesaurus Linguae Hibernicae: University College of Dublin's site, featuring editions and translations of many medieval Irish texts; very similar to CELT.
- Trecheng Breth Féne: The Triads of Ireland: a collection of triads from Irish manuscripts, made by Kuno Meyer in 1906.
- The Ulster Cycle The most complete collection I've yet to find. I do a lot of linking to this site.
- Iolo Morganwg
- Norse
- Classical
- Medieval
- General
- Music
- Digital Manuscripts:
- Collections:
- Individual Manuscripts:
- Bardic Press: A new publishing company devoted to reprinting medieval texts. Soon to release a major work on the Mabinogi.
- Chló Mhaigh Eo: publishers of comic books in Irish, on Irish lore, such as the Tain
- Four Courts Press: Ireland's leading academic publisher.
- Llanerch Press: A publishing company devoted to reissuing various Celtic books.
- University of Wales Press: one of the leading academic publishers on Celtic subjects.
Similar Sites:
- Bedd Taliesin: on the grave of Taliesin, Chief Bard of Britain.
- Caer Australis: studying Celtic spirituality and the Celtic calendar with a southern hemisphere emphasis.
- The Castles of Wales: A nice overview of different castles in Wales and their histories.
- The Celtic Art of Courtney Davis: Because he is working in the tradition, creating beautiful works of art.
- The Celtic Tribes of Britain: On Britain in the age of Rome
- The Coligny Calendar: the calendar as inscribed.
- The Earth, The Forge, The Hearth, The Land: Interesting site, focusing on Gaulish and Breton traditions.
- The Gode Cookery: A rather extensive look at medieval food and recipies, as well as a huge amount of medieval woodcuts. Definitely worth the look.
- GC Medieval Woodcuts: The Gode Cookery's medieval woodcut collection
- Gundestrup Cauldron: a site detailing the images of the famous cauldron.
- Ireland's History in Maps
- Irish Myths and Legends: illustrated by children. Kinda cute.
- Kernunnos: a site devoted to the Gaulish god Cernunnos.
- Knowth: examines the famous neolithic passage tombs and other features of prehistoric Ireland. And it has some awesome pictures.
- The Megalith Portal: Charts just about every megalithic spot in the British Isles, with archaeological data, folklore, and how to find them.
- O Gaer Sidi, O Gaer Cariad: a Slovakian site on Welsh literature.
- Patrick Brown's Blog/Ulster Cycle Comic: Patrick Brown used to host the largest collection of texts from the Ulster Cycle, but I think he's retooling that. Instead, he's also giving us his graphic-novel-style retelling of the Táin Bó Cúailgne and the surrounding stories. It's really wonderful.
- The Tam Lin Page: examining the Scottish ballad of Tam Lin and its relationship to other ballads.
- Timeless Myths: A wonderful introduction to European mythology, covering Greco-Roman, Norse, Arthurian, and Celtic myth.
- WorldWideWales: This site features a series of movies on Welsh history, culture, and travel.
- V Wales: they have a nice selection of folklore texts, as well as other elements of Welsh life.
Language Sites:
- Grammars
- Dictionaries
- Cornish
- Other
Druid and Celtic Pagan Sites:
- Ar nDraoicht Fein: the largest American Druid organization; it's emphasis is comparative mythology among the Indo-Europeans
- Henge of Keltria: Unlike ADF, this Druid group is specifically Irish-oriented. They are large supporters of the Save Tara movement.
- OBOD: the largest British Druid organization
- Isaac Bonewits: founder of ADF and elder in the Druid movement.
- Chronarchy: Michael Dangler's website on being a neodruid.
- Ceisiwr Serith: website on many Neo/Pagan subjects, but especially Proto-Indo-European culture and linguistics.
- Y Baedd Gwyn: a site devoted to Welsh paganism.