The Celtic Literature Collective

Text Category: Latin, Historical, and Ecclesiastical Texts

Dark Ages Historical Texts
Latin English
Sidonius Apollinaris ad Riothamus Sidonius Apollinaris to Riothamus
Jordanes - De Origine Actibusque Gothorum Jordanes' Gothic History: On Riothamus
Chronica Gallica The Chronicle of Gaul
Gregorii Turonensis: Libri historiarum Gregory of Tours: History of the Franks: selections

St. Gildas (ca. 540 CE)

De Excidio Britanniae The Conquest of Britain
Lorica Gildae The Lorica of Gildas
Gildas de Paenitentia The Penitential of Gildas
Epistolarum Gildae Deperditarum Fragmenta The Lost Letters of Gildas
Vita Gildae auctore Caradoco Lancarbanensi Caradoc of Llancarfan's Life of Gildas
Vita Gildae auctore Monacho Ruiensi The Monk of Ruys' Life of Gildas


Isadore of Seville

Etymologae IX Etymologies, book IX

Venerable Bede (died 735 CE)

Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Historia Abbatum History of the Abbots
De prima syllaba prologus metricus
De prima syllaba sermo prosus
Liber de astronomia (Compotus)
Liber de mensura orbis terrae
Uersus in codicem Partitionum Prisciani

Nennian Materials and Harleian MS 3859
Nemnius: Alphabeta Nennius' Alphabet
Nemnius: Historia Brittonum Nennius' History of the Britons
Nemnius: Mirabila Nennius' "The Wonders of Britain"
Annales Cambriae The Welsh Annals
Annales Cambriae: ab Ithel version The Welsh Annals
Harleian MS 3859: The Genealogies Harleian MS 3859: The Genealogies

High Medieval Historical Texts

High Medieval Historical/Pseudohistorical Texts

Legenda Sancti Goeznovii The Legend of St. Goeznovius (c. 1019)
MS Bern Bürgerbibliothek Codex 178 Chronicle MS Bern Bürgerbibliothek Codex 178 Chronicle (9th C?)
Helindanus of Froidmont's Description of the Grail Helindanus of Froidmont's Description of the Grail (ca. 1202)
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum William of Malmesbury: The Chronicle of the Kings of England (d.1143)


Geoffrey of Monmouth (ca. 1130)

Prophetia Merlini The Prophecy of Merlin (originally a seperate work)
Historia Regum Britanniae The History of the Kings of Britain
Vita Merlini The Life of Merlin

Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) (ca. 1170s?)

Topographia Hibernica & Expugnatio Hibernica The Topography of Ireland
Descriptio Kambriæ The Description of Wales
Itinerarium Kambriæ The Itinerary of Baldwin In Wales
De invectionibus, lib. IV
De menevensi ecclesia dialogus Dialogues on St. David's
Vita S. David The Life of St. David
Vita S. Remigii The Life of St. Remigius
Vita S. Hugonis The Life of St. Hugo
Speculum Ecclesiæ Mirror of the Church
Excerpt: Liber de Principis Instructione The Tomb of King Arthur (from two seperate works)
Willam Camden (1607)
Britannia The Geography of the British Isles

Walter Map: The Courtier's Trifles

King Herla and the Wild Hunt
Elias the Hermit
King Cadoc
Of the Senseless Devotion of Welshmen
On Strange Apparitions
Sir Gado
Etienne of Rouen (1168)
Draco Normannicus
Andreas Capellanus (1184-5)
De Amore The Art of Courtly Love (excerpts)
St. Kentigern and Lailoken
Meldred et Lailoken King Meldred and Lailoken
Historia Meriadoci (1280) The History of Meriadoc
De Ortu Walwanii (1280) The Rise of Gawain
Narratio de Arthuro rege Britanniae et rege Gorlagon lycanthropo Arthur and Gorlagon (1300)